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Super Langs

Well we’ve regrouped and we’re more super than ever! Our powers? Can keep two kids entertained through a dreary snowy weekend. Able to clean up a flooded basement in 1 hour flat. (and learning a lesson while at it, never leave a pottytraining 2yo unattended) And the most important superpower of all — figuring out how to take time off to just hang out. Not the most glamorous superpowers but we’ll take em!

Oh! and check out these cutie super … More

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I sure had to restrain myself to not write a dorky post title today. So many goofy butter sayings popped into my head. If I had to pick a least favorite part of blogging it’d be the titles. I want to switch over to doing asterisks or something but that’d be so annoying when you’re looking through the archives. Anyhoo…

I finished up my cross stitch quartet! This weekend I picked up these frames at Ikea and I love them … More

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a cutie chloe

I was going to take more paper doll photos today but it's hot and I can't move from in front of the blowing fan so how about instead I share this adorable Chloe doll Saartje made for her cutie daughter Lotte that I found this morning in the Kit, Chloe and Louise flickr group.

How dang cute is that! Lotte's curls make me wonder if I should give Phoebe a haircut. The curls look so sweet when they're short … More

Posted on 121 Comments

wanna take one for the team?

It’s that time… time for me to start begging for help. I’m looking for some testers for the patterns from the book. Do you have some free time? Fabric in your stash dying to be made into a toy? Want to help out your fellow sewers by being the first to discover that whopping mistake that is inevitably there in every pattern?

This isn’t like our normal pattern testing so it may not sound as appealing to some. First thing, … More

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Spring Cleaning Stitchette

Holy cow, it’s 59 degrees outside today. That’s almost sixty! Tim’s out there taking down the Christmas lights. It’s almost as if Spring is actually going to come. Maybe this explains the purging, sorting, straightening urges I’ve been having lately. It’s almost time for Spring cleaning! Here’s a freebie embroidery pattern to get you in the mood. You know, a little something to work on while we wait for Spring to actually arrive which here in Chicago will be another … More

Posted on 35 Comments

what’s new?

Lots of stuff! New site design & a new header (click on through and check it out), we’re now 3 columned and have a new list, “what we’re reading” that I’m going to try to update every few weeks. Also new is our logo! Our logo font was getting a bit over used so Tim made us one from scratch. It’s got a swoosh and everything! Also new, like I mentioned below are our new etsy shop and craft it … More

Posted on 28 Comments

Christmas Wishes embroidery patterns and quilt

Check out what I woke up to this morning… Oscar sitting under the
Christmas quilt I finished last night. He was flipping through one of
his toy catalogs. How appropriate is that! This little boy’s dream
bubbles didn’t make it into the quilt though. I’m not a talented enough
stitcher to embroider tiny little transformers or millenium falcons.

So this is the Christmas quilt I made from the Christmas Wishes
embroideries. I’ll need to wait for a brighter day to … More