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I've been sewing a lot the past few days. And guess what? I've forgotten how to sew! I'm botching everything. Sewing right side to wrong, eyeballing things and being off, making mistakes I'm trying very hard to avoid. My seam ripper is my best friend. So today I gave the sewing a rest. It's so hard not to want to just charge through and put some things in the "finished" column!


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Book Club Stitchettes #2 in the shop!

We’ve got the patterns for the second set of Book Club stitchettes up in the shop today. So the plan — there’s always a plan — is to make 9 designs in all and do sew them altogether in a cool quilt for the kids. I’ve done 2 sets and was thinking we’d do this, if you’ve bought both sets, the third will be free. I’ll also be writing up the directions for the quilt and have those available in … More

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kitchen gnomes dish towels embroidery patterns

This is the embroidery homework I was talking about after Christmas. My pattern distributor, Brewer Sewing Supply asked me to come up with an embroidery design that they could offer as patterns and kits. They suggested dish towels and I thought that'd be a fun challenge, that is until I drew a complete blank. I couldn't decide if it needed to be something kitchen themed or if it could be just anything. And the size and detail were tough to … More