The thing I really want to make these days is the one thing I really hate making, doll clothes. Phoebe is finally getting into her dolls more and I want to make her loads of outfits to play with. But fiddly little doll clothes make me nuts! Doesn’t help that my old sewing machine seems to have only two speeds now, off or chomping through fabric. All the pesky finishing that clothing requires on a teeny tiny scale is too … More
Category: Vintage
to play or save?
I went with play. Might have been that episode of hoarders I watched last night or just the realization that the cool vintage style isn’t going to soak into Phoebe’s consciousness via osmosis from the top shelf of her closet. So excited we’re hitting a serious paper doll phase.
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how to make a kitty cat
rescued from the basement of an estate sale
Oh how I love these two. There was a panda I wanted too but in the end I decided these two were true buddies and would live happily together.… More
vintage souvenir scarf
a friend picked this up for me becauase it “looked like Hillary”. man, was she right. I LOVE it!
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really, I had no other choice
I was remembering the other day when I was having my fabric shortage troubles, that the reason I started making toys was because of the nature of my fabric collection. I’d been thrifting fabric for years for my vintage clothing shop and had amassed a collection of cute but unruly fabric…scraps, pieces cut out from clothes, aprons and scarfs, sheets and pillowcases, just a lot of bits and pieces. So when I sat down to make things for baby Oscar … More