I’m off to a party. Last one of the school year. I think I’m okay with that 🙂
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I’m off to a party. Last one of the school year. I think I’m okay with that 🙂
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This is the embroidery homework I was talking about after Christmas. My pattern distributor, Brewer Sewing Supply asked me to come up with an embroidery design that they could offer as patterns and kits. They suggested dish towels and I thought that'd be a fun challenge, that is until I drew a complete blank. I couldn't decide if it needed to be something kitchen themed or if it could be just anything. And the size and detail were tough to … More
Oscar and I had so much fun making these ornaments for gifts and for our tree. Oscar loved picking the trims and using the hot glue gun. I love how vintage glitz they are.
I love ornaments. And most all of our favorites are made by Seasons of Cannon Falls. You see them at shops but they are near impossible to find online. I saw this very sparkly, very 50s, repro ornament at the shops the other day. I nearly bought but realized I had all the stuff on hand. So a bad of mini balls, some super stiff felt, spangly trim and glue gun later, ta da…
Isn’t she a beaut?!
Hope you’re … More
Phew! Party’s over. I’ll share some project pics later. Once again, I was over ambitious. I think my parent helpers wanted to strangle me. One of these days I’ll figure out age and time appropriate party activities!
Phoebe and I crafted it up this morning while the boys were at Tron. Lots to share. First, this crazy gal…
I hot glued some ruffled trim to floral wire and then glued to a wood ball for the head. I didn’t have … More
The handmade tree got a new skirt this week. I love this alexander henry yuletide 2d zoo fabric so much. So festive and cute. I cut out some animals from the scraps and make them into ornaments for the tree. This tree should see a lot of action next week when O’s done with school. I’ve got a stack of ideas waiting for him.
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I love the holiday house. We put everything up the weekend after Thanksgiving so it’s up for as long as possible. We’re pretty much at capacity in our tiny ranch house but a few new things squeezed in this year. I fell in love with this super glittery snowman and couldn’t resist.
And this is my new ornament this year, from Martha Stewart for Macys. Peppermint baby!
And here are some of the usual suspects.
oh! and here are all … More