Tiny, cozy sweaters knit for handmade dolls, it doesn’t get much cuter than that! Please enjoy this knitting pattern for a cardigan for the Make-Along doll. It is knit in sock yarn with size 2 needles. Tiny, but not too crazy small. It is a different version than the sweater I replicated from my great grandmother’s pattern which involves a lot of seaming. This one is knit from top down in one piece and sleeves can be knit in the … More
Category: Doll Clothes Tutorials
Tutorial for Apron Dress for the Make-Along doll
Is your make-along doll underdressed and you’re pressed for time? With the risk of being captain obvious, here’s a quick photo tutorial for how to make a super cute, easy apron dress for your doll.
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pom pom sandals
tiny little saltwaters
A $2 faux leather purse from the thriftstore transformed nicely into a tiny pair of saltwater sandals for the latest Make-Along doll. I just need to make two more pairs in navy for the other girls now. Fun to have scraps of leather-like material on hand. I made a little bow barrette for Phoebe and am thinking the doll may need a little handbag as well.… More
baby clothes > > > doll clothes
I can’t believe this only took me an hour. I’ve had a bin of Phoebe’s old baby clothes, and some thrifted items, sitting in my craft room for um, 7? years with the intention of turning them into doll clothes for Phoebe’s dolls. These are not the archived, save-forever baby clothes that are all in storage, nor are these the adorable heartbreakingly tiny infant clothes that I turned into her keepsake baby quilt (man I need new photos of that!) … More