This year I’m marking this blanket as officially done! Started in 2014 and mostly finished last year, I finally wove in all the loose ends this year and it was ready to spend the holidays with us.… More
This year I’m marking this blanket as officially done! Started in 2014 and mostly finished last year, I finally wove in all the loose ends this year and it was ready to spend the holidays with us.… More
Things are matchy matchy around here and on theme! You can practically smell the pumpkin spice.
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I spent the day crocheting to try to shake off the weekend. I hate sending the kids back to school on Monday morning after a weekend that just wasn’t quite right. So I drowned my sorrows in some gold wool and a pumpkin spice latte.
Kitten likes her new dress. She herself is made from the Katie Kitty pattern from my book and an incredibly soft fuzzy felted angora sweater so she wasn’t really feeling the stiff tweed pants and … More
I just put a coffee in the freezer so I can chug it down and see if I can salvage any of this day! I have a long list, of things I'm actually looking forward to doing, but I can't seem to get out putter-around-craft-room with breaks of looking-stuff-up-on-the internet mode. I'm trying to remember if I've ever crocheted a toy. I don't think I have. I hate searching things on my blog because a. I can never find them … More
Zero degrees + inches of snow + a new cold = day spent on couch crocheting myself this scarf. Ready for the subzero temps!
from my stash of sheepish yarn and this stitch, catherine’s wheel… More
Chicago is trying to break records with most gray days in a row. I’ve hardly taken any photos of holiday crafting or merriment because it’s so dreary. What I wouldn’t do for a sunny or snowy day. I don’t even care if it’s 20 below! And I don’t even care that I’m jinxing us! I’ll be warm because all I’ve been doing for the last 2 months is knitting/crocheting. I’ve made my first pair of mittens, 4 scarves, 2 blankets, … More
What’s everyone knitting this season? I have another set of thrummed mittens started (this pair for me!) and a christmas afghan going. Both need to be bumped for gifts though. I need something fun to make! I guess I should check my pinterest. I’m sure I’ve got something there.
I did crochet this one scarf. Maybe I’ll do another? I feel like I knit so much faster though.
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