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holiday making & wee wonderfuls patterns

makealong dolls and sweater patterns at wee wonderfuls

Hi all! So… what’s everyone sewing this holiday?! I have started on a number of projects to bring handmade dolls & patterns to the site and the shop and I’m hoping I’m on the right path but please let me know if there’s something else you’re interested in!

doll knitting patterns at wee wonderfuls

I will have the cardigan and overalls outfit ready for Make-along next week and am hoping to squeeze in one more before Christmas. I was thinking a fancy dress up outfit but can’t find a dress design I love. Any suggestions?

elsa doll sewing pattern at wee wonderfuls

I was also thinking about doing an add on to the Elsa pattern to include another yarn hair variation and this jumper. And.. maybe a sweater?? I’m working on that today and fingers crossed, it will fit!

doll clothes sewing patterns at wee wonderfuls

Kit, Chloe and Louise are super fun to make for little kids and I had so much fun making these outfit sets for them. I was hoping to add more ideas/tutorials on how to repurpose thrifted baby clothes into cute doll outfits.

I am trying to organize myself into one big to-do list, so please, any input welcome! Thanks so much and so excited it’s the handmade gift time of year! xoxo (¬‿¬)

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basic stitches for dollmaking

Hi friends! Here are some stitches I use to make dolls and stuffed animals.

I use the ladder stitch to attach my stuffed doll parts together.


I use this stitch to join pieces when handsewing projects from wool felt

And here are the embroidery stitches I use…

to outline eyes, stitch eyebrows and mouth


fill in eyes or other shapes

to start embroidery on a stuffed doll if you don’t want to hide your knot

these stitches are good for drawing with floss


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More work was done this weekend on the clearing out front. The target, Phoebe’s room. Holy hannah. That girl has so much stuff! I think she’ll be happy with the free space and less clutter. I feel like I just did this to her room, maybe last Summer? But they outgrow things so fast. I had no idea how many princess fairy books were still sitting on her shelves. Many plastic things with small pieces have now moved on to new homes. And the survivors from the last pony/barbie purge are now headed out.
cleaning out old toys

My sweet girl knows how to keep mom happy though. She asked for all her vintage and handmade dolls to stay on the shelves. Good girl xoxoHandmade doll sewing pattern from book Wee Wonderfuls: 24 Dolls to Sew and Love

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clearing out space

New school year’s resolution, be back in this space! My poor neglected blog. If it was a physical object it’d be sitting in the corner next to my yoga mat. Both of which I’m determined to find time for this Fall. Right now I’m working on cleaning up my craft room. Or cleaning OUT is maybe a better term. I’m being buried under the clutter and chaos and need space to breath. I’d love to take every single thing out of here, repaint the whole space bright crisp white and then bring each object back in one at a time, taking time to really ponder its fate. Unfortunately that’s not really feasible, so I’m making do with a nice Fall purge.

Things I’ve thrown away, piles of half-sewn doll clothes that I was going to “get to” sometime during past 10 years. What I kept, those that mostly resembled finished outfits, now live in this cute metal basket I treated myself to.


My next accomplishment was to banish all non-doll hair yarn to the basement. I commandeered the art cart for the rest of it. I’m excited about this cart o’ yarn! In this pic they look like they’re in yarn jail, hee.

The trickiest bit of course is what to do with all the dolls that don’t go to the shop. These two Kit, Chloe & Louise dolls are a good example. The girl with the long hair is made from a super soft wool which is lovely to squeeze but not really firm enough to hold up her heavy head of yarn hair. The red head is lacking clothes. She’s wearing cute but barely finished overalls and needs a mom who can sew that could set her up. If either of these girls would be loved in your home leave me a comment which you’d like and I’ll do a quick drawing tomorrow. If you could pay the shipping that’d be awesome. I know these two are ready to be KonMari’d away to a better home!

doll sewing patterns for handmade dolls, Kit Chloe and Louise pattern at Wee Wonderfuls