I really want to plant some of these in my yard.
beautiful day for foraging
I've been sewing a lot the past few days. And guess what? I've forgotten how to sew! I'm botching everything. Sewing right side to wrong, eyeballing things and being off, making mistakes I'm trying very hard to avoid. My seam ripper is my best friend. So today I gave the sewing a rest. It's so hard not to want to just charge through and put some things in the "finished" column!
the little girl’s sewing book
edited by Flora Klickmann, 1916.
to play or save?
I went with play. Might have been that episode of hoarders I watched last night or just the realization that the cool vintage style isn’t going to soak into Phoebe’s consciousness via osmosis from the top shelf of her closet. So excited we’re hitting a serious paper doll phase.
running loose in the garden
Oscar decided to set his preying mantis free today. I’m so glad. It was fun to watch him grow from a tiny 1 cm long baby, and fun to watch him chomp on other bugs, but he’s a big guy now and needs his space.
1.8 lbs
Hazelnut kitty is doing well. Still teeny tiny cute. We’re trying to teach her to do this but she’s not having it.