Happy Saturday people. How are your Saturdays? Mine are a little stressful honestly. I am a “it’s the weekend let’s get things done” person and the rest of my Langs are “it’s the weekend what’s the least productive thing I can do” people. Hm. Sigh. Eyeroll. I shall ignore them and persist with my list. First thing up, a little bit more craft room reorganization. I’ve decided to tackle one area at a time. It’s sorta working. I still hit a wall when I have to decide do I save those supplies for when/if I ever need them or do I clear it out.

I had success this week clearing out my fabric shelves. Now I’ve done this a gazillion times before but this time I had one question in mind… would I make something with this today? Normally I keep everything out in case I’ll need it for a pillow project or a quilt or gosh knows what honestly at this point. I’m not sewing clothes for me or the kids. All of my fabric is 1/2″ yd or smaller pieces so it isn’t going to work for quilting. It’s really all for doll clothes and pincushions and project bags – small projects. So I put everything I wouldn’t sew with right now into bins and put them in the basement. I love organizing things, clears up the clutter in my brain and helps so much when I’m trying to make creative decisions. Do I want to use this mod vintage repro print I bought in 2005? Nope, I’m not into that right now, bin. Then I don’t have to discount it when I’m pulling fabrics. Also I binned almost everything large scale. So much stuff left over from when I would sew for Oscar and Phoebe, novelty prints, big colorful vintage stuff. Not what I’m using now, so, bin.
I really really want to buy a ton of new fabric. My dream would be to overhaul everything. Switch out everything I have for something new. Which obviously I can’t do so instead most of my new fabric comes from the thrift store. Won’t these two make such cute doll clothes!