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Kit, Chloe & Louise pattern testers – thank you!


Okay, I think I’m all set! I’ve got about 30 emails from volunteers to go through. I’m going to chose 6 people, two for each doll. My computer time is up for now so I’m going to have to email everyone later this afternoon or this evening. If you volunteered, thanks so much!! I really really appreciate it!

I’m beginning to think if I ever finish this pattern for Kit, Chloe and Louise it will be a miracle. It’s … More

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ribboned dolls

I managed to tear myself off ravelry last night long enough to finish up this little gal. I want to add some dolls to the shop this Fall and have been working on some ideas. I’d had this ribbon bordered doll idea brewing for a long while. Started back when I was making these pincushions and then I gave it a go trying to make these appliques into dolls with black velvet ribbon around the edges but it didn’t really … More

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last days of summer

collecting rocks at peck farm

signing up for ravelry and getting ready to knit! So far I’ve knit 24 rows of the thinking dress, frogged 14 rows, reknit 11 rows. I’m still pretty rusty at chart following. If I ever finish up this jumper I want to make some hats for Phoebe. Any good toddler hat recommendations? Can I collect those in ravelry? I still haven’t quite figured out what’s going on over there.… More