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craft room bulletin

I worked on Phoebe’s quilt some this weekend. It’s going well, got three rows done, and then decided to put it back in the drawer for a while. I think she has less clothes than Oscar did, is that possible?! Maybe I saved more and have less in the cut-up pile. Either way I’m going to hold off while I wait for her to outgrow some of her current cutie pjs. (oscar’s quilt here)

Phoebe’s still too little for any … More

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Kit, Chloe & Louise PDF Put-together Book in the shop

They’re here! Kit, Chloe and Louise are ready to come over and play. The pattern is in the shop, the downloadable PDF pattern that includes full-size patterns and easy-to-follow instructions to make three 16″ dolls and four snappy outfits (undersuit, Chloe’s dress, Kit’s top & jumper and Louise’s top and jumper) plus a pattern for the shoes. Pattern also includes detailed instructions for yarn hair!! 26 pages of patterny goodness in all.

And a big fat thanks to all my … More

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my sorting technique is unstoppable

I did it! I finally, after being in this house over a year, finally organized my fabric. I’ve been collecting fabric for years and years, many of those years being hardcore thrifting years so I’m a little embarassed and very overwhelmed by my fabric collection. That really got out of hand fast! (extra points for id’ing movie quote) So I’ve been determined to get it under control. I just stuck up on how to sort, by color, by size, by … More

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acorn baby

Last on knitting with Hillary we’d just seen her realize that the hat she felted with blood, sweat and tears (and tennis balls) wasn’t going to match the new Fall coat that is on its way. I had one skein of this beautiful deep purple Sulka yarn that was a total impulse buy (one of those yarns that you can’t not buy after touching) and did a little head measuring and tried again. I thought it would be cute to … More