Check out what I woke up to this morning… Oscar sitting under the
Christmas quilt I finished last night. He was flipping through one of
his toy catalogs. How appropriate is that! This little boy’s dream
bubbles didn’t make it into the quilt though. I’m not a talented enough
stitcher to embroider tiny little transformers or millenium falcons.
So this is the Christmas quilt I made from the Christmas Wishes
embroideries. I’ll need to wait for a brighter day to … More
Author: hillary
Don’t you know you’re going to sew the Monkey.
Sorry. Do you know how many bad monkey songs there are? Work on a monkey pattern for a few weeks and you’ll feel my pain.
Okay, Fleecy Monkey is in the shop today! He’s a Christmas gift making special for only $6. So my quick calculations at the fabric store this weekend have pattern and materials coming in under $20 for what I hope will be a really fun, quick and satisfying cutie for gift giving. I mention in the … More
my little stitcher bee
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seasons greetings
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Phoebe is very reluctant to talk to us. She seems to find it much more effective to communicate through funny faces and tumbling off furniture. She has however mastered 4 very important words: mama, dedede, ah-er (oscar) and dah-eeee (dolly).
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seasonally appropriate decorating
I know I seem like a holiday jumper with my already-on-to-christmas crafts but be assured things are fall festive/halloweeny around here. We’ve got our bats up and our plastic pumpkins out and even our ironed between waxed paper leaves up in the window.
Here’s my favorite new Halloween decor item, my new witch doll by Mimi Kirchner that is taking a break from her spot on my cherished items shelf to come out here and help me hand out candy.… More
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