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It’s sunny today. Hotdog! So much easier to stay positive when the sun’s shining in. Yesterday’s mail brought me this vintage wallpaper I’d ordered ages ago and forgotten about. I was going to use it for a background for photo shoots but after seeing it in person I love it so much I might need to wallpaper our small bathroom in it. Wonder if there’s enough. Or maybe a wall in Phoebe’s room when we transition to big girl room. … More

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Barbie, old school.

It's only February but I'm using Junebaby's birthday as an excuse for my vintage toys on ebay habit. Have to do my part for the economy right? So, I'm obsessed with vintage doll clothes and having no luck. It is almost impossible to get a good deal on on ebay. It's crazy. I'm just looking for some sweet handmade hippie or mod handmade outfits for our Tammy and Barbie dolls so they don't have to dress like the real housewives … More

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happy vd

There was some holiday related making this week. I made Phoebe this valentine’s top which I’m hoping isn’t too hearty so she can wear it for more than one day, even though the fabric is called be my valentine.

And Oscar made some valentines for his classmates. His were the only handmade ones in the class. Kind of a bummer although I do get it. One or two valentines sure but trying to keep them focused on a whole … More

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Blythe has a new poncho thanks to the dolly dolly book and now she’s looking for a new adventure. And still a new name. I’m trying to think of something 70s that’s not Jennifer or Michelle.

Wait.. I got it, Mary Ann! Cassandra said Ginger and that got me thinking Gilligan’s Island and man, is this gal a Mary Ann or what?! Perfect. Now I just need to make her some short shorts. Thanks for all the great suggestions!… More