Thanks so much for your sweet comments about the video and the book! While we were working on the video I was pretty sure it was going to turn out awful. I just thought, let’s rush through it and if it’s a disaster at least we can say we tried. But when it’s done and all put together and you’ve forgotten about the millions of little adjustments and trying to get things to balance just right, well, you just remember … More
Author: hillary
Mermaiden, a free pattern from my new book
To promote my new book, Wee Wonderfuls: 24 Toys to Sew and Love, the publisher has released one of the patterns as a free preview. Tiny Mermaiden is a quick fun sewing project that can be made by hand or on the sewing machine. Download the pattern & instructions here, Mermaiden pattern … More
My book is out! Wee Wonderfuls: 24 Toys to Sew and Love
a top
I made this. I can’t get a decent picture of it. It was a handmade thrifted top that had this cute crocheted yoke. I cut out the old bottom and put on this new one from this pretty nani iro floral. It kinda fits. Ok, maybe not really. But it looks cute on the hanger. Although I need to get some new cute hangers if I’m going to be showing off sewing for me. Can’t imagine I’ll have the … More
mama and me necklaces

I think I’ve given up trying to get a photo of Phoebe and I in our matching necklaces. I got them for her for her birthday and we love them so. They’re made by Kristina Klarin ( and are the most gorgeous painted beads. The colors she uses are amazing.… More
I’m reading about tile quilts
It started when I found this fabric at Hancock’s of Paducah, Windham New Town Farm Crazy Quilt Panel. I love it, so folky and wacky. The border around all the shapes is what really caught my attention.
Then I checked out Crazy Quilts by Cindy Brick from the library and found a pic of this quilt, the Hattie Burdick quilt. Just amazing. The book calls these type of quilts tile, or stonewall quilts, and explains the that they’re appliqued … More
childrens style book
sushi and a panda, that’s all I was going for. I’m on a strict
budget and so I wasn’t even going to go into the bookstore. but
I couldn’t help myself. you see why.
the styling/staging, the photography & the book design are amazing. I was powerless against this book
and there are so many crazy cute patterns in here
it was inevitable I guess. even the panda knew I was going slip up.
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