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garage sale finds

vintage German games. this auto one is super cute. reminds me of the van goes.

5 thoughts on “garage sale finds

  1. The one with the coloured towers is Dutch not german The factory still exists

  2. I wonder if Richard Scarry did the illustrations in “The Hat Book”. Looks like his work… Love it so much!

  3. There was a whole line of “shaped” books like that one when I was a kid…I had many of them, including, I think, the one you pictured here.
    I loved those books.

  4. Always fun for me to run across something from the past not thought of for decades. Like a lil sentimental truffle tucked away, there it is, The Hat Book!

  5. Old books are definitely what I tend to purchase the most of at yard and estate sales. Love the vintage look and feel of them and if I was going to be really honest…the smell!

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